Tidings of Comfort & Joy

Comfort & Joy
These are the energies I am sending out and calling in this holiday season.
In the past month I have been exploring what it means to be comfortable, comforted, comforting.  Generally I am comforted in warm, nourishing environments, comforted by smiles, laughters, music and open arms.  I feel I am comforting when I am warm, creating nourishing spaces for others to be and flow in.  I have had many opportunities this month and in the year to create spaces of comfort for myself and others.
In creating these spaces I have also encountered immense discomfort.

In the past month, and year, I have become really clear about what does not make me comfortable.  AND Rather than seeking to run away, escape from or change these feelings, I have created a space of comfort where I can address my discomfort.

What does this look like?  For me, it looks like creating a space & time where I just get still. I stop running on the endless treadmill of things I need to do and wye I need be and sit.  This place is sometimes in my home.  Other times it is on a deserted wintery beach, others times in the urban forest.

I am discovering the more space I give myself to feel uncomfortable, the more peaceful I am.  It might seem strange, but, once the discomfort has a space to be recognized and acknowledged, it can resolve itself.  How magical is that????

In this season of miracles, this time when nature reflects to us the beauty of going within, I invite you to create a little space for yourself.  Take some time to drop the doing and fall into being.  Receive the gifts that emanate from your own gorgeous heart & soul.

Wishing you a blessed Winter Solstice and entry into the New Year.



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