The eternal now is filled with many blessings!
At this very moment, love is awakening within you. You are embracing your ability to recognize how sweet it is to expand your container to share that love, to give it, and especially receive it. Because you deserve it: always have and always will.
I use this words again and again. Reading them reminds me of this simple truth. Regardless of appearances love is opening like a bud within our being. constantly flowering are we. I took last month off from writing a newsletter and nearly six months off writing a blog!!!!
I use this words again and again. Reading them reminds me of this simple truth. Regardless of appearances love is opening like a bud within our being. constantly flowering are we. I took last month off from writing a newsletter and nearly six months off writing a blog!!!!
This month I dived heart deep into celebration. April has officially become my birthday month.
I made it a point to connect with people I love, do things I love, and make tiny shifts that generated grand energy. There is so much I could say, I could tell you I went to a Russian Banya, tasted freshly made maple water for the first time, had a birthday celebration filled with song, hosted a garden party, planted flowers and a blueberry bush! And so much more, but really, what Id love to share about here, is the emergence into Gratitude.
I made it a point to connect with people I love, do things I love, and make tiny shifts that generated grand energy. There is so much I could say, I could tell you I went to a Russian Banya, tasted freshly made maple water for the first time, had a birthday celebration filled with song, hosted a garden party, planted flowers and a blueberry bush! And so much more, but really, what Id love to share about here, is the emergence into Gratitude.
As I write that word EMERGE, my mind makes a link to Emergency. An emergency is defined by Websters as "Sudden or unexpected appearance; an unforeseen occurrence; a sudden occasion." Usually we have a negative association with this word emergency. I have experienced in this month the most delicious sort of emergency. I consciously invited unforeseen occurrences to take place in my everyday life, I invited unforeseen opportunities to experience joy, love,appreciation and surrender.
A big AHA that came through this month was in relation to Pain.
It feels like much of what I have been exposed to by the media tells me that I should avoid pain at all costs. That pain is "bad" is a signal that something is "wrong"
About a week before my birthday I got a fever, cough, runny nose thing. I was like "Perfect: why now. got better after a few days, but then had a cough that persisted. I started to experience pain in my ribs as a result of all the coughing. I took it as a sign to go for a needed checkup. I found a Naturopathic clinic that was really affordable and close to some friends I have been long wanting to see. While I wasn't feeling my best, taking this time out to see them lifted my spirits. They also live close to an amazing 40 year old bookshop.
I started to shift my perspective.
What if what I had previously perceived as a pain, inconvenience, was just my body communicating something to me? What if it is an opening? What if it this dis-ease pushed me to think outside of my normal way of thinking? To move away from my routine? What if it forces me to let go, to surrender control. And what if this, creates a space for something to grow.
Do you remember that term "Growing pains?" When our teeth are coming in, or we have a growth spurt, when we are coming into this world through a mother's womb. These are all experiences that we have been taught to perceive as painful. Yet each of these is an integral part to our emergence into the world and evolution as a human being in a body.
Might there be a way we might be able to see the things that cause us pain as an opportunity to grow? Now I want to be absolutely clear I am not advocating for hurting yourself intentionally or allowing anyone to abuse you physically, mentally or spiritually. This is an invitation to build a healthy relationship to pain which is unavoidable. I know that some of us may wince or cringe at reading that, but how many experiences of pain or suffering have we experienced in our lives. What if instead of fighting, resisting and/or denying the pain we could lean into it? Take the needed rest, breathe a little deeper, eat and drink more in alignment with what will support the body, be still? This is an invitation not a mandate. Just a little prompt to shift, bring more awareness to allow our truth to emerge one inch more from the depths.
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