OSTARA/ Blessings of the Spring and Weekly Tarot Reveal!

Ostara is the Goddesss of the dawn. This day marks the beginning of Spring and is also linked to the Equinox. In the wheel of the year we have the opportunity to celebrate two Equinoxes. Equinoxes mark days where there is equal day and night, equal amounts of light and dark. Equinox is a time of finding or resetting balance. This Equinox marks the vernal Equinox Where we are welcoming now light onto the earth. Today and tomorrow are auspicious times to clear, cleanse and start planting metaphysical seeds for the Spring. Below are 8 ways to honour this auspicious moment in time and space.

1. CLEAN: Go through your closets and cabinets. Sort clothes and objects into three categories a.Stay b. Give away c. Throw away

2 CLEAN: Connect with the element of water. Take a herbal bath. I recommended using SUN By Dropping seeds. Make a strong tea and add to your bath water or cool and pour over your body in the shower. Have the intention to be cleansed of anything that no longer serves you.

3. CLEAR: Use sage to clear the space in your home with potent smoke, followed by sweetgrass to bring in sweetness. 

4. CLEAR: Clear your inner space by writing down on a small paper any thoughts,beliefs,or habits you are ready to let go of. If you feel called burn this and scatter on your garden or the earth.

5. COLLECT: Start to gather seeds for things you might want to grow. Pick the flowers, fruits or foods that will be nourishing to see and ingest.

6. COLLECT: Gather the seeds of your intentions. What projects or ideas would you like to see grow and blossom this spring. Write these down as plant in your garden or just keep it in a place you can cone back to from time to time.

7. CHANT: Chant or sing. Sound is so healing. Put on your favorite song and sing along feeling the good vibrations fill your whole being. The Pavana mantra is dedicated to calling in the lightyou might want to try is: 

Aum Asatoma sat gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityor ma amritam gamaya
Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti

Translation from http://greenmesg.org
1: Om, (O Lord{/ or for our purposes Goddess}) Keep me not in the Unreality (of the bondage of the Phenomenal World), but lead me towards the Reality (of the Eternal Self),
2:  Keep me not in the Darkness (of Ignorance), but lead me towards the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge),
3:  Keep me not in the (Fear of) Death (due to the bondage of the Mortal World), but lead me towards the Immortality (gained by the Knowledge of the Immortal Self beyond Death),
4: Om, (May there be) Peace, Peace, Peace (at the the three levels - Adidaivika, Adibhautika and Adhyatmika).

8. CELEBRATE: Celebrate your life and the new opportunities that come with Spring. Get together with friends or take yourself out and marvel at the miracle that is life.


Here are the tarot readings for this first week of Spring

This gorgeous deck by Gayan Silvie Winter and Joe Dose is called the "Vision Quest Deck" and draws upon the symbols of Indigenous American Wisdom weaving it together with the ancient archetypes within the Tarot.

If you picked card #1 You received Six of Water the card of PLEASURE
This card says take pleasure in your life.  This is a time of positive development a time for you to find ways to enjoy yourself, enjoy the life you have created for yourself. This card invites you to open up to the flow of pleasure and joy within your life  "Your life force is flowing calmly and sweetly, nourishing your wholes system, helping you regain your inner equilibrium quite easily.  Allow yourself to enjoy life a whole lot more. And on all levels."

If you picked card #2 You received CLOWN in the traditional Tarot deck this card is known as the fool.  This card invites you to be playful.  To let your spirit be free to play an explore without the fear of making mistakes or looking like a fool.  "This is a sign of good fortune for all those who strive for inner freedom.....The Clown has realized that any bondage, as comforting and profiting as it may seem to the greedy ego, will only lead him astray...So simply enjoy everything that comes along, without hankering for a tomorrow that might bring you bigger and betterRe-discover the playfully creative inside of you."

If you picked card #3 You received The Father of Air
This invites you  to use your mind, thoughts and words like an arrow of light, to create strong foundations of peace around and within them. You create your rarity and how you think greatly influences this creation.  The Father of Air uses this mental strength and uses the intelligence therein for the highest good of all." Trust your perceptiveness! You know better than anyone what is right for you and what is not.  Stop avoiding a matter that can be cleared up with  a few insightful words. You have the mental and spiritual strength to make positive changes right now."

I hope this has inspired you and brought a fresh breeze of love and gratitude into your heart.  If you are seeking more support or want deeper insight feel free to book a reading with me HERE


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