Opening in October

The transition in the Northern hemisphere into Autumn is a portal.  The veils are thinner during this time as we go from the vibrant energy of summer to the internal depths of letting go that comes with the fall.  I have been feeling and sensing the call to connect deeply with my angels, guides and ancestors.  They are waiting for us to call on them, to connect, to invite them into our hearts and homes. Whether you follow a certain religious practice or not, this energy of unconditional love and support is available and present for all.  Here are a few ways to connect with your guides this month.

1. Silent Communion-  Take some time each day to connect with your guides or angels.  Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.  Place your hands over your heart.  Breathe here a few breaths, then either aloud or silently repeat this prayer.
                              Dear ( Angels, Guides, Ancestors)  I thank you for being present in my                                                 heart and in my life.  I call on you now to fill me with clarity.  I am ready to release that which no longer serves me or my dreams.  I thank you for always keeping me safe and for your infinite and unconditional love.

2. Create a Sacred Space in your home- Create an altar or decorate an empty corner or shelf in your home in honor of your angels and guides.  Be creative, use pictures, crystals, plants or other objects to remind you of your connection to your guides and their presence in your life.

3. Stay Open.  The realm of the angels and ancestors is one that is ever present, but sometimes out of our sight.  Be open for signs or symbols that your guides are indeed walking with you.

4. Be grateful.  Give Thanks for your life.  Our gratitude helps us to stay on track and not get caught up in feeling sorry for ourselves or others.  Find ways to express your gratitude every day for the blessings in your life including the loving presence of your guides.

Please feel free to comment below about your experiences connecting with your guides this month. Blessed Be,


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