Balance and Beauty while Relating

I just finished watching this webinar with a couple focusing on Intimacy. It is right on time, as Jupiter ,the Planet of expansion, has been in the sign of Libra recently.  The upcoming New Moon on Friday will be an extra gift as Jupiter supports us in expanding into new possibilities for relating to ourselves, each other and the world.  The upcoming New Moon on Friday will be an extra gift as we expand into new possibilities for relating to ourselves, each other and the world.   The fabulous Chani Nicholas has so much wisdom to share. Just feel and read for yourself here.

I invite you all to take this moment to really honor the beauty in your lives, in life itself.
A few things I can suggest to make the most of this time are
1. Get outside. Spend some time in nature, in the natural environments where you live. AND while you are at it, drop int #2
2. Breathe. Breath is life,and life is Glorious and Gut wrenching, so just breath more through all of it.
3. Drink Water. This moon and the shifting into Fall here in the Northern Hemisphere invite us to cleanse.  So drink more water in these days. Water is life. We are so blessed to have water to drink. Take a moment to Thank the water as you drink. Giving thanks for this splendid element and all it does to nourish all life on Earth.
4. Gratitude.  Take a moment or two or two hundred to give thanks.  Say Thank you to yourself, to your friends, family, loved ones, ancestors, guides. I mean, we each do so much each day and receive so much support from so many. Lets Give Thanks for this time of Harvest and for all our Relations here on Earth.

This is a time of reflecting on our relationships to ourselves, one another and The Earth.  What seeds have you sown and what fruit did they reap?
Look at where you may be in or out of balance in different areas of your life.  Do this gently, please.
And repeat number 1,2,3 & 4 frequently.

So much love


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